About Pamela

I’m a former software engineer who now helps individuals and organizations achieve success by understanding how their values, choices, and actions impact their results. I’m available for private coaching, group workshops, and online training.

Creating Meaning

in Life and

at Work

Everyone has a life purpose, which can and will change over time. When we live our lives disconnected from that purpose, we become stressed, unhappy, unfulfilled, anxious, fearful, and frustrated. We worry about money, can’t make decisions, lose energy for the things that really matter, and struggle to attend to self-care. Does this sound familiar?

Living your life in alignment with your values, beliefs, and passions will lead you to the fulfillment and joy you truly desire. However, this is easier said than done. Even when we’re clear on what we value and what we want, we often self-sabotage our best efforts, and life simply has a tendency to get in the way.

Transformational coaching allows you to create your life intentionally by providing you with the tools and support you need along the way. Together we will discover what your core values, beliefs and passions truly are, and identify the limiting beliefs that hold you back.

Based on that foundation we explore how to make the next best choices and take the next best steps to lead you to a life you love.

I combine the latest discoveries in neuroscience with ancient wisdom practices, proven success principles, and a healthy dose of humor to help my clients get from where they are to where they want to be.

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